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View Full Version : Product Launch Checklist (field tested)

robert stanley
03-02-2011, 08:00 PM
Was going through notes from my Sept. 2010 Launch. I thought some folks might find this useful. Feel free to add your 2cents as I am sure I missed some items in the transcription process:

Product Launch Checklist

1 - Target Sales Date___________ ***

o Check JV Calendar (jvnotifypro)

o Contact Personal JVs

o Create JV Contact Spreadsheet

2- Select Prelaunch Dates

o Prelaunch Day 1__________

o Prelaunch Day 2__________

o Prelaunch Day 3__________

3- Write Email Swipe

o Prelaunch Day 1

o Prelaunch Day 2

o Prelaunch Day 3

o Early Bird Email

o Sales Day Email

o JV Reminder Day 1 Start

o JV Reminder Day1 Finish

Contest Standings

o JV Reminder Day 2

§ Contest Standings

o JV Reminder Day 3

§ Contest Standings

o JV Reminder Sales Day

4-Create Landing Pages

o Prelaunch Day 1

o Prelaunch Day 2

o Prelaunch Day 3

o Sales Page / Video Sales Page

o JV Page

o Testimonials

o Product Demo

o Stats

o Exit Popup / Offer

o Downsell Offer

o Upsell Offer

5- JV Contests

o JV Optin prizes***

o JV Sales Prizes***

o JV Blog***

6- Web Pages

o Optin Squeeze

§ Prelaunch Day 1

§ Prelaunch Day 2

§ Prelaunch Day 3

o Sales Page

o Upsell Page

o Downsell Page

o JV Page

o Exit Popup

7-Video Creation

o Sales Video

§ Headline and Hook (key)

o JV

§ Intro

§ Testimonials

o Prelaunch Day 1

o Prelaunch Day 2

o Prelaunch Day 3

8 - Payment Collection

o PayPal Account

§ Launch Notification

§ 7 Day Post Launch Followup

o Merchant Account

§ Launch Notification

§ 7 Day Post Launch Followup

o Prelaunch Transaction Test ***

9- Tools and Systems

o Shopping Cart

o Affiliate Tracking

o Video Hosting

o File Hosting

o Web Hosting (VPS / Dedicated)

o Analytics Testing Software

o Crazyegg

o Clicktail

o Google Analytics

o Webinar Platform

o Audio Platform

o Graphics and Ecovers

03-03-2011, 08:25 AM
Thanks buddy.

Everybody has their different checklists. But some things are basic, and thus common. Anyway, I am launching a product soon, so I will add everything that was missing.

I see that you are new here. So.....Welcome buddy! 8)

If you need any thing, help or ANY thing at all, feel free to PM me!


Gail Richardson
06-21-2011, 06:35 PM
What a great checklist. Thanks for sharing

Becky jenkins
06-28-2011, 09:07 AM
Creating the product is the easy bit!

06-29-2011, 04:37 PM
Awesome checklist.

Good call about the crazyegg software. Often overlooked but supervaluable.


Beverley Watts
07-18-2011, 04:30 AM
Hugely useful, thanks Robert:)

Mike Davidson
07-24-2011, 04:45 PM
Hi, yes this is a really great list. This could only come from someone who has been there and done it and had some success. There is no mention of social networking presence here like setting up facebook pages, etc, or article submission/press releases too. Is this something that the JV world doesn't bother with as much? Is this whole JV thing more about email list marketing instead or a mix?

Robert Bertrand
09-26-2011, 08:40 PM
I am very new to IM. I found this checklist very useful. I do believe I can use this info. Thanks again.

Richard Golko
09-30-2011, 03:11 AM
What's the purpose of a pre-launch and how does that work? Is it a 'soft launch' just to certain people? Would a WSO launch count or does that need a pre-launch too?

Mike Merz
09-30-2011, 09:37 AM
What's the purpose of a pre-launch and how does that work? Is it a 'soft launch' just to certain people? Would a WSO launch count or does that need a pre-launch too?

Richard, the basic function of the pre-launch phase is to attract and build an email list of potential launch phase sales prospects, either via your individual efforts or with the help of your JV partners or affiliates, usually with product topic related free content and related bonuses. The content (and, typically, the mention and build up of the upcoming product to be launched) is delivered systematically, usually via email optin list, during the pre-launch phase ... building up to launch day, when the pre-launch list is usually given a hour or more advance notice and ability to purchase during an 'early bird' or 'early notification' time period.

Frank Kern is a master of the pre-launch, pre-selling so effectively that he often sells out high ticket launches just an hour or 2 after going live. Of course, his self and product brand developed over time has a lot to do with the results, as well as his high level associations ... but his mastery of the pre-launch surely helped get him there. ;)

The aforementioned is a very basic explanation ... and mentions only a few possible scenarios, but it should get the point across.

As far as WSOs ... yes, that could be a very helpful part of the pre-launch process ... especially in terms of seeing how well the product is received, and to garner early positive feedback and numbers to present during pre-launch and to attract JV/affiliate partners.

Still a coffee short, here ... hope that helps. ;)


Mike Sr

Blair Beauchemin
10-02-2011, 08:02 PM
That was a very informative list and great comments. I had never heard of the crazyegg software before and I have to say that is amazing. Do most big launches (like huge clickbank launches) test out their copy with that software? I wouldn't be surprised if they did, I know I am going to when I launch! Thanks for the great info!

06-30-2012, 01:08 PM
Good post. I will keep this list in my mind ;)

Julian Farley
07-24-2012, 09:45 AM
Great checklist. I know within Digital Marketer they have a product launch checklist that is about 4 pages long and very in-depth.

Thanks for sharing!

desmond dreckett
10-25-2012, 02:11 AM
Great checklist mate, thank you.

Kind of mesmerising when you see it listed out like this.



William Souza
11-27-2012, 10:11 PM
Awesome checklist! I already have my own, but after looking at yours I'll add a few things to it.

Thanks for sharing!

Greg Gruba
02-15-2013, 10:58 PM
Great checklist!
Greg Gruba

Dianne Dixon
02-19-2013, 11:58 PM
I am new and this is a great checklist. What's the lead time for this?

Felix Leech
03-19-2013, 01:17 PM
Hi Rob,

Thanks for sharing this - if only there were more guys like you!

Does this list work for any niche, or is it specific to IM promotions?



Matthew Kendo
03-22-2013, 07:50 PM
Thanks Robert and Mike,

Extremely useful information, especially for someone like me, who is using JV to launch for the first time.


Derek Hildenbrand
08-20-2013, 10:55 PM
Nice share! Also before all of this it's important to split test and include profitable swipe files for affiliates to use:
banner ads

...and before all of this have an idea of the epc and all relevant data to prove to affiliates that it's worth promoting the product.

Allen Payne
09-18-2013, 03:24 PM
Creating the product is the easy bit!

Yes, creating the product is the easy bit and it's usually better to do it after the marketing stuff is ready, including sales page. Then you just create the product based on the sales letter....this way you won't leave anything out and no one will complain that you're making any false advertising either:)

Great checklist btw. I've never used Crazyegg but I keep seeing their ads on Youtube. Looks like a great tool to have.

Martin Sheridan
11-01-2013, 08:17 PM
Great list - I've just finished my product and am now ready to start selling it - this list is great. I'm hosting my landing page with UNBOUNCE which allow me to do a/b split testing. I also came across another site, PLURALIS, that will optimize the conversion rate of my page. Making the product was the easy part -

BTW, I'm so happy I found JVNotifypro - I've wasted weeks on another popular IM forum - they took my membership wouldn't approve a single post :(

Thanks Mike!!!

11-19-2013, 04:23 AM
hey Rob welcome to the forum and great resource thanks

Felix Leech
09-10-2014, 12:19 PM
4-Create Landing Pages

o Prelaunch Day 1

o Prelaunch Day 2

o Prelaunch Day 3

o Sales Page / Video Sales Page

o JV Page

o Testimonials

o Product Demo

o Stats

o Exit Popup / Offer

o Downsell Offer

o Upsell Offer

Hi Robert,

It mentions in your checklist that you use Exit Popups on your sales page, I've had experience with PPCs like Google and Bing reject pages with these kind of scripts, is this something you consider? Or does the return generated by them outweight any lost revenue opportunity?

Anyone else have experience like this?

Thanks in advance to all, any input appreciated


Michael Baptiste
10-24-2014, 08:57 PM
This is definitely a great list that I'll be using for my future launches thanks.

And although you mention most of the mechanics here, what about the driving
of the traffic, the press releases, the affiliates, the JV partners?

I'm not sure but where do the rest of those crucial assets come into play?

Either way, thanks for the great list here.
