View Full Version : Looking for a copywriter in IM

08-26-2010, 09:35 AM
Hi everyone!

I have a product coming out soon and I am looking for a copywriter in the IM niche.
The job is to create a video script for the video sales letter.
Could you recommend me people?

I would imagine that creating a video script is less expensive than writing a long sales letter. But i don't really know what's the price range for it. Could you also give me an idea of prices?

Thanks in advance!

Adil A Amarsi
08-26-2010, 10:15 AM
Hey Peggy,

I write sales letters and do video scripts for the IM niche.

Please shoot me an email or contact me on skype so I can see what we can do together.

Price range for a sales letter from me is usually $7500 minimum.
but seeing as this is a video sales page it's going to be $3000



sadiyya patel
10-05-2011, 03:21 PM
Hi Peggy

I would charge you between $2,500-$3,000 for a video script (depending on the length). I could throw in a series of 7 killer follow-up emails at no extra cost.

I'm a professional copywriter. You can find out more about me and the services that I provide at www.HelpMySitesell.com (http://www.helpmysitesell.com)

PM me if you're interested.

Gurv Dpfoc
01-10-2012, 01:40 AM
Hey Peggy, Is this your offer for copywriter for creating is still open because i can suggest you one experience person for this, how's believe in effective quality in best prices.
And i revert for your price question, it will vary from $3,000 to 7,000 , which depends on the type of contained you require for create a video script for the video sales letter.

Rob Toth
02-16-2012, 08:07 PM
Peggy, I'm assuming this is old news by now...

I have a set of "done for you" services since I'm shutting doors on the info-product business so some of the guys and gals I use for my business won't be getting as much work from me.

Great win-win-win for me to pass other work their way.

Details: http://iquitim.com/doneforyou.htm

In short, I have a former Aweber employee copywriter. Some of the most engaging copy you've ever read. Guaranteed. Bar none.

And one who has written copy that has been used in 7-figure launches (specifically in Forex but of course he has written for a variety of niches).

Check the link for details if interested and message me at your leisure.
