View Full Version : How to test a salespage?

08-10-2010, 12:20 PM
Hi there

Witch is the best method to test a salespage?
PPC, asking JV partners to do this with their list (quite difficult), try to sell to your list (but if you don't have a list...)


08-16-2010, 10:55 AM
Hi razvan, its best the test the sales page first with your own resources so that you can make sure that your conversions are optimal for your jv partners. One such method includes utilizing ppc, and your own email lists.


Michael Blair
08-17-2010, 05:08 PM
I use ppc because its the easiest way for me to get alot of clicks fast.

08-18-2010, 03:15 PM
i thought so...

Taylor Winfield
08-18-2010, 04:52 PM
PPC is usually the best way to get traffic to your page fast, however the cold traffic might not be the best way to fully test a sales page.

If you can blag it, getting a JV to mail out before pre-launch is ideal.

Michael Hearne
08-18-2010, 04:56 PM
I think you owe it to JV partners to split test with your own leads... if you don;t have a list, build one with PPC, ezine ads, or some other rapid traffic source... and warm them up with some email copy before sending cold traffic to your sales page (and you can be split testing your lead page too)...

i guess you could try to convince someone to do a test mailing to their list, but I'd think you might want to offer them some sort of incentive for doing so (like a higher percentage of profits)...

if you're planning a launch, you can do your split testing while recruiting JV partners for a syndicated launch...just make sure your results are in before your pre-lanch so you can release the numbers...but it at least allows you to run tasks in parallel reducing the wait for your syndicated launch...

Taylor Winfield
08-18-2010, 05:00 PM
Yes I agree with the post above, when testing my sales page with a JV partner I offered to make their current product as the one time offer at the end of purchase.

Tommie Powers
08-18-2010, 06:39 PM
I use PPC for the same reasons as others here.

But you could also pay someone to mail their list.

Of course you would need to have a relationship with that person and be able to do whatever they ask of you plus be able to afford to pay them.

I was able to convince a buddy of mine with a decent list to do this before and our agreement was that if I made him more money as an affiliate, I would only pay him commissions owed. If I made less than our agreed upon amount, I would pay him the difference between the commissions I owed him and the amount we agreed to.

Was a win-win because I broke even and it did not cost me in the end.

Again, the only reason this worked is because I had a relationship with this person.

Hope this helps you think outside the box a little bit.

08-19-2010, 11:55 PM
Do a WSO and see what happens. That will give you a better idea of sales.

Also you PPV to test optin pages. Its cheap and if you can get it to convert
with PPV then it should do great with JV's
