View Full Version : Tips for Personal and Buisiness SUCCESS

Bill Davison
04-07-2010, 08:49 PM
Part 1 of this post can be found in my "last posts" in my profile or on 17 Mar.

Recognise things how they really are - but also how they can be.
Try the following experiment

Start doing something you know you should be doing and/or stop doing something you know you need to stop doing.
Write it down and put it where you will see it often to help you keep it in your mind.
Do this for one week and note how you feel.
Make it a small simple thing to start with and build up to the bigger things as you develop the emotional and mental muscle.

This is one of the grand and simple secrets
to power, success and happiness in life.

You wont progress until you
accept and apply this powerful therapy in your life.

The Power Of Belief

The Bible says, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23).

Belief can work either for us or against us.

Thoughts to be really powerful need to be combined with belief.

This is where many of us come unstuck.

So many things influence our beliefs.

Many of them negative or incorrect.

Our belief system is being acted upon continually.
What makes this even worse is that probably all of us have belief systems that limit us, make us miserable, or even destroy us.

Some of these beliefs are subconscious.

We may not even be aware of them –
Yet they can still self-sabotage our happiness and success.

I often see patients that want to be healthy, to lose weight, or want to get pregnant etc.
Yet when I test them I find something in their subconscious that is blocking or preventing the achievement of their powerful desires.
This makes the conscious desire difficult or impossible to achieve unless you know how to find the cause and remove it.

Programming The Biocomputer

We are programmed and conditioned from the day we are born and probably before that.

This programming is not perfect, sometimes it's destructive.

Plus it's our perception of what is happening to us, not necessarily reality that programmes us.

Because our programming is faulty it creates a faulty perspective on life, others and ourselves.

This faulty view further distorts our perception of our further experiences and so the problem can be compounded. A vicious cycle indeed!

How you are right now is the sum total of your perceptions of all your experiences positive and negative.

It's critical in achieving your happiness to take control of this subconscious mind or biocomputer where all this is stored, get rid of the junk that is ruining your life and put in empowering new information.