View Full Version : Please Respect Your Affiliate List.

John Taylor
12-19-2009, 12:40 PM
I know, I know.. you've probably heard this before. But..

When I sign up as a JV Partner or affiliate, that's ALL I'm
signing up for. I don't want to be promoted to.

It's fine to keep me up to date with what's happening
with your launch. I'm always interested in the sales figures
and the "Leaderboard".

Please do tell me when you've added some extra creatives
or swipe files.

Just don't spam me with unrelated offers.

I won't compain.. I'll just quietly remove myself from your
list and it's VERY unlikely that I'll ever promote your stuff


Mike Merz
12-19-2009, 12:45 PM
Bringing this up never get's old, John ... and most would be surprised that many of the biggest names out there make this mistake on a regular basis by blasting all their lists as one during major promotions. My reaction is pretty much the same as yours ... though often times they are my clients, and get an earful from me in the process. ;)



12-27-2009, 04:05 PM
funny I figured my aff lists only want to be emailed on updates and that is it... I never promote to them

John Taylor
12-30-2009, 01:48 PM

funny I figured my aff lists only want to be emailed on updates and that is it... I never promote to them


It's surprising how many people look at their
affiliates as just another list to promote to.


Vadym Zyabkin
12-31-2009, 09:24 PM
Yeah, I'd personally never market to my list of affiliates either.

They're pretty much the glue that holds the ENTIRE business together. I'm working for them, more than anything. Last thing I want to do is piss them off.

12-31-2009, 10:05 PM
It's pretty much useless marketing to your affiliate list, because they are the ones who are going to be making you money not buying your products.

David Rummel
01-01-2010, 09:18 PM
To the point John, of course.

And if I am allowed to just throw in one more point:

If I sign up for a JV-list / Affiliate-list you can't even consider me having officially agreed to be on a "promote to me" list - which makes it even hardly legal from an opt-in agreement perspective.. You don't want to run your business like that..

Just saying.. You won't spam your friends with promos, won't you?

Happy New Year to everybody btw,


01-04-2010, 05:20 AM
Totally agree.

It's even more off putting if you have to go through upsells, OTOs and other 'offers' before you get to the actual tools or links page.


Neil Robins
01-04-2010, 11:46 PM
Just think, if product owners/affiliate managers stopped promoting their own and others' products to their affiliates, my inbox would be nearly empty each day.

Oh, wouldn't that be a delight!


Linda Brown
01-08-2010, 09:26 AM
I also agree to this issue.

Matt Wolfe
01-08-2010, 02:26 PM
This is a very good point. It's funny because someone who I have promoted for in the past sent me a message on Skype the other day and asked why I just unsubscribed from his JV partner list. I told him that I didn't know because I usually don't unsubscribe from the JV lists...

I went back through the last e-mail he sent me... He was using his JV list to do adswaps.

That's an instant unsubscribe for me if I'm a JV and you're using that list for swaps.


A Afaneh
01-08-2010, 04:08 PM
I agree Matt , this is happening in non IM niches too . I am an affiliate for health and fitness products and the guy started promoting IM products to his affiliates list


Bill Ross
01-08-2010, 06:21 PM
There is only one time I can see promoting to an affiliate list as acceptable. That is to an affiliate list made up of customers. For example if you see a product to a customer and then offer them the opportunity to promote your offer too! Of coarse this should be its own list or a unique tag to identify these people. The are really customer but might make a sale now and again!


Chris Jenkins
01-08-2010, 11:34 PM
Yes Bill I agree that would be the only way I think someone could justify doing such a promotion. Other than that it not acceptable to me in other words that is my cue to exit stage left.


David Rummel
01-28-2010, 04:22 AM
Just think, if product owners/affiliate managers stopped promoting their own and others' products to their affiliates, my inbox would be nearly empty each day.

Oh, wouldn't that be a delight!


Of course, less cross-promotion of affiliate-products would be a huge time-saver.

However, I don't agree completely Neil, as I would indeed expect them to inform me about THEIR new products before putting them on the market, that's part of what the JV-list should be all about.

So basically:

Inform about YOUR new products and spare out promotions offering all those other products you "sooooo" like... That's not what JV's sign up for (at least not me and those posting in this thread so far - which could as well be seen as a common trend / opinion, considering the targeted audience we have here..)

John Taylor
01-30-2010, 05:38 AM

I would indeed expect them to inform me about THEIR new products before putting them on the market, that's part of what the JV-list should be all about.

Absolutely. And, I personally wouldn't object if I received
the occassional email alerting me to other JV opportunites.

However, I strongly object to being treated as a subscriber.


David Rummel
01-30-2010, 07:57 AM
Well John, a strong hand-shake then I guess, as that's what I said before - let's just hope at least somebody listens

Todd Lamb
02-12-2010, 06:30 PM
I would agree with this as well. I have been getting pounded by my JV partners promoting offers which is a bit of a shocker considering who they are.

There is one however who will contact me and say, " You've gotta promote this product because I made ....... with it to my list, here is the link to the JV area."

Those emails I appreciate for sure.


Tom Wetherald
04-23-2010, 06:08 PM

I would agree with this as well.
It also would state that you're a serious enough individual and :) value your JV's.

There are a lot of people with GREAT product ideas... that mean well. Just take a minute
to think how you want to be treated and treat your JV's that way. Your JV'S will appreciate you for it.

This is a unique community for learning and meeting new friends.
For sure you all love helping others to be successful.
It's greatly appreciated.

I hope you have a healthy day.


Craig Dawber
04-30-2010, 10:59 AM
I couldn't agree more John, the last thing a busy marketer needs is to be mailed about the same launches we all know about when you just wanted to be updated about that particular launch.

Updates on the leader board, scarcity factors etc is all we need.

Have a great day guys


Laurie Rogers
05-03-2010, 05:44 PM
I agree and I call this "spamvertising". I really don't understand what the point of it is anyway, because if you're a customer too and were happy, chances are you might buy this one and the next one without them having to spamvertise it to you to begin with. Most of them should have multiple list capabilities with whatever software they're using, JV's one list, affiliates another list and so forth.

I actually wrote a few articles this past weekend about affiliate program owners because a few issues I had with sign ups and after reading one "guru's" blog about "facebook friends", I wasn't impressed with a couple of things that were said.