View Full Version : Question for the promotions/marketing specialists out there

Thad Bong
11-26-2009, 02:50 PM
Hi marketers,

From the 'sound' of a number of posts here about product creators jumping in here, chucking in their affiliate link and then never coming back, I think there's a general lack of understanding on the part of these product creation specialists on what makes it easy, convenient and attractive for people specialising in promotions and marketing to promote a product. So let me ask a number of stupid questions.

1. What do you look for in a product? What about a product makes you want to promote it? List your top 3 criteria for a product to promote.

2. What kind of information do you want on a product? What kind of information makes it easy for you to go out and do what you do best?

3. What kind of a JV deal would be attractive to you? List the top 3 incentives you look for in a JV deal.

4. What kind of affiliate tools do you need? Articles, graphics, viral stuff, anything and everything that will make it easy for you - which of these are crucial and which of these should we just forget about doing?

5. Is there any other relevant information that I have missed that is absolutely crucial?

Again, I'm asking questions that most of you probably think is basic courtesy but honestly for a newbie like myself I may think I know the answer but I probably don't. And by finding out what makes it easy, convenient and attractive to you, I'm going to make sure that I incorporate all of that into my JV and affiliate promotions. Thanks for your feedback!

11-26-2009, 03:30 PM
1. What do you look for in a product? What about a product makes you want to promote it? List your top 3 criteria for a product to promote.

-there is a big demand for the product
-the conversions are high
-the product creator is not a jackass :)

2. What kind of information do you want on a product? What kind of information makes it easy for you to go out and do what you do best?

I'd preferably want full access to the product. If not, then a very detailed description in either a PDF or a video telling me what the product is, what it does, or what it can do.

3. What kind of a JV deal would be attractive to you? List the top 3 incentives you look for in a JV deal.

-having a solid team behind your product would be attractive (i.e. launch manager, JV/affiliate manager, copywriter, etc.)
-having a huge booty...er...I mean back-end (i.e. lots of opportunities to make money...a big front-end doesn't hurt either)
-a JV contest where everybody has a legit chance of winning cool prizes (as opposed to just the top 5 people winning cars)
-responding to JV partners' emails promptly and courteously

4. What kind of affiliate tools do you need? Articles, graphics, viral stuff, anything and everything that will make it easy for you - which of these are crucial and which of these should we just forget about doing?

It depends what you're trying to sell. If it's a typical Clickbank product, then include the works: ecover graphics, articles, swipe emails, and so on. Another good "affiliate tool" is a webinar featuring just the product creator and the affiliate, but it obviously doesn't always make sense to do one.

5. Is there any other relevant information that I have missed that is absolutely crucial?

Haha...I don't know...just had a brain fart. I'm sure others will have a ton of input on things which I overlooked. And that's actually another good point - if you're doing a launch, make sure you have at least one additional set of eyeballs to look through your entire launch before doing it. People always screw something up, whether it be forgetting to send a vital email, uploading a video, having a weak follow-up, etc.

Good luck,

Paul Liburd
11-27-2009, 08:02 AM
Hi Thad

1. My top 3 criteria when promoting a product are as follows:

a) Knowing that I will get a return Mail out from the product owner
b) Commission Structure
c) The value the product has to my list

2. I would mainly need some high quality swipe emails and to ensure the sales page is up to scratch

3. The top 3 incentives for me are the same as my answers for question 1

4. Me personally it would be the emails, but others would need Graphics, article and ezine comments, keywords for a PPC campaign and most importantly the affiliate link ;)

5. Basically you just need to build up a rapport with your JVs and let them know that you can add value to their business so it is in theor best interests (not yours) to get behind your launch.

Considering the fact you wont know these JVs at the beggining, the main thing to entice them to launch is the Commission earned, the price of the product, the sales copy, the quality of the product and also the Pre-launch content and proccess as this is very important to getting those conversions which in turn will make you JV partners happy ;D

Hope this is of interest for you.

Out of curiosity Thad what is your product about?

Thad Bong
11-29-2009, 04:58 AM
Thanks for the feedback Paul And Curtis. Definitely taken on board for my affiliate program, and all future JV proposals. 9 Days To Passion And Purpose is a guide to doing what you love. It's basically 3 steps:

1. finding what you are passionate about
2. getting from 'i think i'm passionate about this' to 'i can't believe i'm having this much fun and being paid to do this every day'
3. making that passion stick (the most tricky part)

Paul, I noticed that you're in the forex niche. What kind of products do you have? I happen to be an ex trading systems development specialist, and I have a number of contacts (traders and systems guys) in the forex/broad trading field. I can see a lot of avenues for cross promotion - the way I got into trading was through discovering my passion for finance and investment, and I can see some of my customers who are passionate about the same thing wanting to learn how to trade as well. My next project is going to be a beginner's forex manual, with some advanced tips on backtesting a trading system and having the necessary back office systems (trade-by-trade analysis, trading system improvement methods). Perhaps we can do a JV on that, I'll create a product based on the needs of your prospects/customers and you can market it to them.

Paul Liburd
12-01-2009, 10:44 PM
Thad although I'm looking for slightly more sophisticated Forex products than that... Feel free to contact me paul.liburd@gmail.com and we can have a chat it wont hurt.


Thad Bong
12-03-2009, 02:20 PM

At this stage that's probably all I can provide value in. My main focus is in Personal Development and that's where I can provide the majority of value for my market. In the future if I'm looking to go deeper into forex you'll be one of the first people I think about. Cheers.