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View Full Version : Looking for coaching rooms

Barry Weiss
10-15-2009, 04:00 PM
I am looking for coaching rooms to call biz op customers. So I hope some of the members may have referrals to call centers that specialize in calling for coaching.

Rob Toth
01-09-2012, 05:28 PM
Did you ever get a reply for this? Contact me direct and I'll set you up. My info is all over www.RobToth.com . Thanks.

Ari Schwimmer
04-12-2012, 06:58 PM
I recommend a floor from Idaho.. The guys Name is Ryan J. his email is leadgen101@gmail.com if you have a standard CB product or buyer I have had payouts of 100-150$ DPL on accounts like that.. Anyway hope that's a foot in the right direction for you... I know they report weekly and on time too which is usually a concern for most.... Anyway email him and feel him out he has the company info and all that.