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View Full Version : Chris & Ken (DJK Team) & Andrew Fox - CB Quantum JV Invite, More.

Mike Merz
05-28-2009, 09:47 AM
I've finally managed to wrestle an exclusive JV invite
from fellow JV Notify Pro Partners Chris & Ken (Day Job Killer)
& Andrew Fox (so don't blame me for the last minute notice :P),
Plus Buzz Builders ... and More, in Today's High Ticket edition.

- Mike

Chris & Ken (DJK Team) & Andrew Fox - CB Quantum JV Invite
Prelaunch Commenced Tuesday, May 26th 2009
Launch Day: Tuesday, June 2nd 2009

Fellow JV Notify Pro Partner, you've no doubt heard of Chris,
Ken from Day Job Killer & super affiliate Andrew Fox.

They've authored several record-breaking guides on profiting
with ClickBank, such as Affiliate Project X, Day Job Killer,
Google Assassin, Dominating ClickBank & Marketing Quickies.

The first time I participated in one of Chris's launches
was Day Job Killer back in 2007. I was involved in the
launch, and was very impressed with the marketing involved.

And here's why... Day Job Killer sold over 9,000 copies
in its first week, breaking the previous ClickBank sales
record Chris had set with his own Project X guide a few
months earlier.

Since then, Chris has logged an extra 30,000 sales with
his ClickBank releases such as Google Assassin & Google
Nemesis (the latter selling over 10,000 membership in
it's first week and setting another record).

Fast forward to today, and Chris is teaming up with
Andrew Fox to create a monster high-ticket product.


This is sure to be absolutely huge.

It's Chris's first high-ticket product, and him and Foxy
are pulling out all the stops on this one.

Here's what I mean...

- Chris is giving away a $463,000 PPC campaign for pre-launch

- Commissions of almost $500 on each sale

- top JV prize of a week's charter on Foxy's $2 million yacht

- Chris & Andrew are aiming to pay affiliate's $1 million

- Chris & Andrew's previous launches have done as much as
$900,000 gross sales in first week - and that's at less than
1/10 this high-ticket price

The launch is scheduled for this coming Tuesday 10th
February and all signs are this is going to be even
bigger than Chris & Andrew's previous record-breaking

CB Quantum - JV Page - Head Here NOW

==> http://go.cbquantum.com/jvn/jv_signup

Day Job Killer grossed just under $1 million in its first
week, with affiliates taking the lion's share of that figure.

Google Nemesis has grossed well over $1 millio.n since its
launch, again with the majority of that going to affiliates.

If you have an internet marketing list, and a free slot,
you need to get behind CB Quantum on Tuesday.

Early signs are, it's going to be absolutely massive.

Go ahead and check out the details

==> http://go.cbquantum.com/jvn/jv_signup

And don't say I didn't warn you about this one!

- Mike For Chris, Ken, Andrew


Buzz Builders

Da' Genius Marketer - Da' GUMPP JV Invite
Launched This Past Tuesday May 26 at 3pm EST

I've spent quite a few months creating this package
called Da' GUMPP (Da' Genius Ultimate Marketing Power

It is a collection of books and material designed to
educate and help the newcomer make money from the
internet using various techniques, namely that of Web 2.0
and Joint Ventures

Im looking for my top JV partners to collect easy 6 figure
affiliate commissions off of this product launch, and expect
all those that promote during prelaunch to also pick up
some nice hefty commissions for themselves.

Im working alongside superstar marketers such as Dave
Sipes, Doug Barger, and others to help move this launch
into the stratosphere.


Alan Tedman - IM Cash Evolution JV Invite -
Launched Just YESTERDAY - Wednesday May 27th
Price Hike - MIDNIGHT Friday May 29th

Inside, I provide a step-by-step guide to product creation
in 8 detailed modules. I cover market selection, market
research, how to package your product, upsells, outsourcing,
how to create ebooks, videos, mindmaps etc, how to write
or outsource the sales page,how to create a download page
or a order page, setting up a Clickbank account, JV invites,
how to launch a product and much much more. I also provide
two bonus modules on the Google-izer method and public
domain material. There are blueprints, process maps, videos
and an interview with Chris Freville.

I cover absolutely all aspects of product creation and I know
there is a massive gap in the market for this especially for
total newbies, informed newbies and novice marketers. It
shows that by owning a product you can springboard yourself
into a long-term IM career ...


Heather Vale Goss - Interviewing Unwrapped JV Invite
Pre Launch Begins Tuesday, June 2nd 2009
Launch Day Is Tuesday, June 9th 2009

This is Heather Vale (now Heather Vale Goss), a.k.a.
"The Unwrapper" and "The Barbara Walters of the Internet".

Chances are you've either been interviewed by me or
heard my interviews before, since I've interviewed many
of today's top online marketers and business experts,
both for my projects and for clients like Brad Callen, Mark
Joyner, and Rick Raddatz; or you may have seen me in
The Next Internet Millionaire as Joel Comm's co-host.

What you may not know is that I also do a lot of interviewing
in the personal development fields and other smaller niches,
and that I started my interviewing career 15 years ago on TV.

All those years of experience led to a lot of R&D, investigating,
observing, trial and error, testing, tweaking and even teaching
others how to do interviews right, for the best content possible.

Now I'm sharing my secrets with Interviewing Unwrapped, the
ultimate "profit with interviews" home-study resource.

Watch my JV video for more ...


Emil Paz - PPC Bully 2.0 JV Invite
Pre Launch Commenced Tuesday, May 19th 2009
Launch Day Is Tuesday, June 9th 2009

Imagine having access to spy on over 2 MILLION keywords
in a few clicks - in US and even in the UK market!

You'll get a chance to promote this (first time it's been done)
and make $700 commissions on the front sale AND huge
chunks on the back-end process.

There are amazing testimonials already lining up that will
prove the power of PPC Bully - selling it will be very easy.

==> Pre-launch prizes
==> $700+ Commissions ==> Crazy pre-launch process
==> Your cookie is STORED in the pre-launch list

...and MUCH more!

This launch is in the making for several months now and
I promise it's going to be HUGE!


Matt Benwell - Google Secret Loophole JV Invite
Prelaunch Begins: Monday, June 8th
Launch Day Is Wednesday, June 10th 12PM, EST

Coming off the back of the success of my last 2 IM
product launch's which have grossed over $600,000,
I'm proud to announce my Launch details for my new
release ...Google Secret Loophole.

I've been testing the methods contained in Google Secret
Loophole (PPC) for over a year now with amazing success.
Now it's time to unleash this to the public and let them
replicate my success. With so many old Adwords systems
around I felt that a new product was needed that would
both save them money and start to build them a business
base which they can market to again and again ...as you
can probably guess, this is not Direct Linking!

I have broken down my Step-by-Step formula into 4 easy
to follow modules which anyone can follow, even if they
are a complete "newbie" ...


Jason Mangrum & Jerome Chapman - Clickbank Affiliate
Blueprints JV Invite
Launch Day: Thursday, June 11th 2009 - 12PM Noon EST

Your subscribers will love you for sending them to this
product, because so many of them will see results for
the first time in their lives. That's thanks to the step by
step cash creation videos.

Here's the sneaky part...

It's not just one system...it's a series of blueprints
they receive each month that build on one another as
their income grows.

That means that in order for the members to keep
growing their income...they MUST keep paying their
monthly dues. And they will. In droves. That means
you profit forever ...


Abhishek Agarwal Kingdom PLR JV Invite
Prelaunch Begins: Wednesday, June 3rd 2009
Launch Day: Friday, June 12th 2009

For those who do not know me, here is a quick

* I have been marketing online for around 6 years

* I am #3 on EzineArticles list of expert authors
(out of 1,68,777 authors), with around 7,000 articles live

* I am #1 on Anik Singal's AffSphere Article Directory

* I have 200+ niche websites

* I have had huge success with Adsense. Matt Callen
did a 79-Page Case study with me.

* I have been the higested rated PowerSeller on eBay India

***** What Is The Excitement All About? *****

I am really excited about the up-coming launch of
KingdomPLR.com, Internet's *LARGEST* collection of
Niche PLR Ebooks! ...


Alex Goad - Google Conquest 2.0 (Authority) JV
Launch Day: June 16th 2009

The time has come for a Conquest Relaunch:

When I launched this back in November we completely
sold out and affiliates made off with over half a million

Those who cookied leads in prelaunch made up to and
over 50$ per optin.

Net conversions where in the 3% range paying $500
commissions and 50% of $97 recurring monthly.

5 months later, 63% of those members are still
onboard (and affiliates are still collecting hefty

Just skip over to this video and info page to get the full
lowdown on how you can take part ...


Craig Beckta - Secret Cash Blueprint JV Invite
Prelaunch Begins: Thursday, June 18th 2009
Launch Day: Tuesday, June 23rd 2009 - 12PM Noon EST

The Secret Cash Blueprint JV is a great opportunity for
You, for 2 HUGE reasons:

1. The Secret Cash Blueprint is aimed at two large
and hungry groups of buyers.

a) Total Newbies - SCB puts the power into the "newbie's"
hands. The playing field is finally level.

And no, this isn't some underground black hat stuff.

It's all about profiting from CPA and Affiliate Marketing

We're talking about free and cheap ways to have a fair
shot even if you're not one of the big-shot affiliates.

It will convert like crazy, Vin Montello wrote the sales
letter and his last two sales letters have helped me to
make 6,000 sales of SAC1 and SAC 2.

This sales letter is even hotter than the other two
so that means send traffic and make money, it's that

There's already some big guns on board so don't be
the only one left out of the launch day shenanigans ...


Chris Freville - Dominating Niches JV Invite
Prelaunch Begins: Sunday, June 28th 2009
Launch Day: Tuesday, June 30th - 12PM Noon EST

For those who don't know me, I've been doing IM since
2005, and learned my trade in various niche markets
often using pen names and pseudonyms to cover my
tracks. ;-)

More recently, I've had some big launches in the IM
niche including Automated List Builder, Clickbank Inner
Circle and my Coaching & Mentoring Program that
brought in over $240,000 in 7 days.

Dominating Niches does is exactly what it says on the
tin. It teaches your subscribers how to literally
Dominate Niche markets and rule the roost. I even
reveal some pretty obscure niches that I've been in
and give your subscribers *Everything* they need to
get going.

Here's what's happening...


Michael Cheney - Delta Squadron JV Invite
Temporarily Closed Due To Outside Interference ...
Get On Board, Now, For The Relaunch TBA!

** Killer Commissions x 7 **
You're getting paid one-off lump cash and recurring CASH
on SEVEN different commission streams

** Click Me Baby One More Time **
You can make $422 per sale from easy, irresistible
one-click upsells that will convert like crazy

** Crazy Conversions **
You'll witness OBSCENE conversions as the proof-packed
prelaunch primes prospects. You'll never make easier
sales as the "high ticket style" prelaunch with full content
videos and reports whips prospects into a buying frenzy!

** Unprecedented Prelaunch **
Kicking off with a 30-page controversial report and then
SIX content-packed videos shot in Las Vegas, Paris,
Amsterdam, Manchester United Football Club and Delta
Squadron HQ in Scotland!




Dean James, Jeremy Gislason & Simon Hodgkinson,
Tristan Bull, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming, Matt Bacak, Chris Fox,
Brian Johnson, Mark Sandquist, and other fellow JV Notify
Pro partners are waiting in the wings ... keep your eyes
on your Inbox, and follow the action in the archives:



What's Happening @ JV Notify Pro?

JV Notify Pro Partner JV Offers And Profiles


JV Notify Pro Partner Co-Promotion Proposal Announcements


Submit Your Joint Venture Marketing Articles


NEED JV Related Services


PROVIDE JV Related Services



Remember my JV Marketing Golden Rule ...

"Get behind your partner's launches as passionately as
you'd like your partners to get behind yours ..."

Do YOU have a new product or service launch coming
up that you'd like to invite your fellow JV Notify Pro
partners to get behind"

Note: That DOESN'T mean 'I found your name in the
search engines', 'read about you in a forum', 'was
referred to you by So and So', etc., decided it was
perfectly appropriate to run right to JV Notify Pro,
register, and request a premium mailing ... all in 15

It means you've been a JV Notify Pro partner that has
actually contributed to the community, and is willing to
wait your turn ... it's not about you, it's about US.

Please read this thread before you request a mailing ...



That's All, Folks!

To OUR Success,

Mike Merz

RSS - http://jointventures.jvnotifypro.com/feed/

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The JV offers run in this newsletter and archived on
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Participate at your own risk.

JV Notify Pro Updates are generally mailed twice a week
... on Monday/Tuesday and Thursday/Friday, with an
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