View Full Version : PDF download from Squidoo, help please

Dave Casteel
12-29-2008, 02:25 PM
With the risk of showing my newbie bum I must ask for advice in putting a PDF file on my squidoo page. I can't seem to find anything on their faq's and would like to offer this free e book. Respectfully, Dave

Todd Lamb
12-29-2008, 10:01 PM
i suppose it depends on wether or not you are using it to obtain an opt in or what your purpose is around posting the free report.

Might not be in their FAQ's but rather their TOS.


Richard Legg
12-30-2008, 06:09 PM
The first thing that comes to my mind would be putting the .PDF file on your website, and then putting a link to the location of that pdf on the squidoo page.

That way someone should be able to click on the link and open/download the file from there.

Hope this helps,


Dave Casteel
12-30-2008, 06:51 PM
Thank you Todd and Richard, I'll take another look at the TOS, my web site... well, I got one to close to having purchased my plan I'm working and didn't know how to best chose a name so of course it has a pour name and I had hoped for inspiration on how best to utilize the site... I may have just gotten it.

Thanks fellas, I new I could count on this group! Dave

Philip Mansour
01-02-2009, 10:25 PM
You should also think about going to http://squidu.com and signing up for the forum. You can find a lot of helpful Squidoo Info on their. Plus you can get a lot of traffic to all your Lens ;)

Dave Casteel
01-04-2009, 09:56 AM
Thank you Phillip, I will do just that. Happy New Year All, Dave

01-09-2009, 12:41 AM
Hey Dave, like Richard said, you need to get a site hosted somewhere if you don't have one and put the PDF file on your site with a link from your Squidoo lens to your file. Squidoo won't host files for you--you have to link to your own site where you keep them.

Just a thought, I've got a lot of lenses up on Squidoo and if you have a free ebook you might want to consider putting a link up for your free ebook and say something like: Get My Free eBook Here. But have the link go to a squeeze page where you can opt-in names to build your list. If they opt in, have an auto-responder send them an email with a link to your file.

You'll need an auto-responder service to collect the names for you. You can build a good list doing this if you have a good ebook to offer for download.

Also, I've found if you write 2-3 articles and submit them to www.ezinearticles.com with a link to your Squidoo lens, you can get some good traffic and Google will notice the links and give you some juice to help your rankings for your lens. Posting a short video about your lens on YouTube and other video sites will get you good traffic to your lens as well!

Squidoo is cool and Google still loves it. Good luck!