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View Full Version : Joint Venture and the Internet, best of friends!

Rivers Corbett
12-17-2008, 09:17 AM
Joint Ventures are agreements between two or more companies to do a project together and sharing everything that comes with it from risk to profit. So what does that have to do with the internet? Well, it becomes an internet business that is making loads of money for people who know the game and play it like a pro.

People are becoming Joint Venture Brokers on the Internet, and they are bringing companies together, making them money and getting a slice of that cake. How does it work? Well it is pretty simple; it’s in the knowledge and the PR skills too.

As a JV Broker, all you need to do is study and learn on how to find businesses that can complement each other, kind of like a matchmaker! You don’t need a product, you don’t need customers even or a mailing list or things that most other internet based businesses or opportunities require. You have to sell yourself as a middleman and learn to sell two businesses to each other. For all your hard work, you get a percentage in sales and voila! Show me the money baby.

Being a JV Broker requires you to have connections, that where PR comes in. The more people you know or get to know, the more friends of a friend you have, the better your chances. You also need to be creative, you should know what is in, what works and what doesn’t. How can you connect two money making machines together to make even more money. Think the way the person who made the first peanut butter and jelly sandwich thought.

Now, you have friends, you know what they do, find out what they need. If you don’t know many people who would be interested use the internet and find people, find companies, find out the best things about them and the worst as well and find ways you can make a connection.

When you find possible pairs, approach them, introduce them to each other and make the first moves for them. You’re the middle man so stay right there in the middle. You need to educate both parties in how Joint Ventures work and how they can complement each other. Make every thing clear and give them all the pros and cons. Cons are not attractive, but if you find them a solution from the start and everything is smooth sailing fro there, then you build rapport and your name will be passed around with only good things along with it.

Here's to your Success!


PS...Award Winning Global Entrepreneur, Rivers Corbett offers entrepreneurs an insight into what prevents most entrepreneurs from experiencing success. Rivers series 13 Fears of an Entrepreneur is must knowledge for any entrepreneur wanting to succeed at any level in business. Click on DiscoverTheKnowledge.com for more information and also receive his FREE gift of what started him on his global entrepreneurial journey.

08-26-2010, 08:46 PM
Interesting article :-)

Thanks for educating me on Joint Ventures.


Len Wright
10-26-2010, 03:31 PM
Well done, Rivers... ;)

That is a great explanation.

Love the "matchmaker" concept and have used that to describe the process so many times myself...really enjoyed the article.

Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it ;D

Len Wright
The Alliance Alchemist

Victor.C. Richefeller
11-13-2010, 01:50 AM
Very Insightful and helpful.