View Full Version : Brand New and Ready to Learn and Contribute (this could be limited at this time)

Charles H
12-04-2008, 11:47 AM
Hello Gang,
Just learning how to run the gauntlet here and wanted to introduce myself. Am new to IM and have been pouring thru ebooks like water. Am going to stop that for a while, though, before I can't buy our Xmas tree.

Have a couple of questions for you all in regard to two things.

First, what is the best way to begin to create a list, with limited financial resources, but a ton of drive and will.

Second, a company contacted me about giving testimonials to them in regard to ebook products I had purchased. When I played along, they wanted to "help me learn all about IM, for a substantial fee", which down the line would be reimbursed along with a essentially complete knowledge of how to succeed in IM.

The latter struck me as expensive and too good to be true, along with the monetary dilemma. Just appreciate any feedback and will be looker forward to a lot of learning on JV Notify. Thanks, Charles

Ralf Skirr
12-04-2008, 01:26 PM
Hi Charles,

welcome to the forum. :)

the offer you described doesn't sound good to me, simply ignore it.
Before spending big bucks on programs of unknown quality rather check out the business models that are available and decide which route to go. Then -after that decision- you may want to join a commercial program or decide to try it alone first.

Regarding your question on how to build a list I suggest 3 things:
- do a google search about it and start reading what you find free
- join warriorforum.com, do the same search there and / or post your question as a new thread.
- check out Mike's http://im4newbies.com/

It's a huge topic and maybe easier to cover in those other places.


Mike Merz
12-04-2008, 02:05 PM
Welcome, Charles ... and thanks for the great follow up, Ralf.

I'm in the process (I know that some of you are saying you've heard this many times before, but it's true .. ;)) of completely overhauling IM4Newbies (both the site, and the community), and JVNotifyPro.com. The former has been lacking for many years, and it's my goal to make a premier starting point for those interested in Marketing on the Internet ... it will take some work, but I'm sure it will be worth it many times over.

This JVNP community has been growing a great deal, but it will also be re machined to offer a great deal more value and usability ... my end goal is to make IM4Newbies.com a fitting prerequisite to JVNotifyPro.com. This will aid in providing a place for those partners that have been coming here to learn about JV Marketing, when they have little or no Internet Marketing knowledge ... the learning curve will be diminished a great deal, once they make it through IM4Newbies.

All the best,


Davion Wong
12-04-2008, 09:37 PM
Welcome to the forum! Ralf is right. This offer sounds fishy. It is helpful that you get active in forums like this and WarriorForum. Get your feet into the water and test out the affiliate marketing techniques that are most commonly talked about. This is the process of learning. ;)

12-04-2008, 11:27 PM
Hi Charles.

Building a list with only limited money and time???

Get a copy of the Butterfly marketing and read it.

Buy a copy of the RAP Script from Sid Hale.

Open a Paypal account.

Find a 4 really good PLR product all about the same thing. Combine 2 of them to create your own product.

Pick a niche out side IM. Cut your teeth on a niche that is forgiving.

Get some new graphics made. PM I have a dude that will do a mini site for less then $50.

Write your copy or PM and I will hook you up with copy guy. Less then $100 per letter or you can rewrite the PLR copy yourself.

Get a aweber account.

Get a hosting account and domain to match your PLR topic.

Set up the RAP script for 100% payment on the first sale and the OTO. That's right
give away 100% of the sale to build your list.

Then put the buyer into your AR and in 3 day sell them the 2nd product and this time you keep 100%. HA

Now ramp this up by using Normans Viral Inviter and give them a bonus for telling there friends. Done right people will give you names and emails like crazey.

Then send them some CPA offers and make more money.


Charles H
12-05-2008, 08:47 AM
These are great responses. Can't tell how much I appreciate the direction. Charles the detail is fantastic. I am presently working on a number of those, and will get the necessary ingredients. Someone told me about an archive of ebooks and materials to look into, but for the life of me I can't figure out what I have done with my note on it. Hope all is well and all input is always absolutely appreciated. Charles :)