View Full Version : Do you come here often?

11-09-2008, 12:18 PM
Yep you're right, that doesn't work for picking up dates either ;-)

Just wanted something a little more entertaining than "Newbie seeks JV with GSOH" LOL

Also it feels weird saying I am "new" at my age (over 21, OK over 40).

BTW this place is great!
Are there similar places for non IM niches as well?
I guess that would be too industry speciifc to work, but woud be great to have...

"Hello My name is Peter and I have a problem. I am an Internet Marketeer..."

OK any one want me to tell my chicken joke now?

Peace and light.

Mike Merz
11-09-2008, 01:16 PM
Welcome to JVNP, Peter ... as I'm 39 (for the 7th time), we no doubt have a lot in common ... reminiscing about the past wise. ;)

I had a habit of getting a bit wacky in the IM4Newbie.com Forum's heyday a few years back ... a little comic relief never hurt anybody, IMHO. ;)



11-09-2008, 05:36 PM
Ok Pete, how about the chicken joke?

Oh, and welcome to another old teenager.


11-11-2008, 04:20 AM
welcome to the club peter!

Mike Lucas
11-13-2008, 02:51 AM
Hey Peter,

Another grey headed 18 year old here too, what other forums?? you've found the only one you need. As you can see I'm new too, but have been here long enough to know all the answers are here.


Mike Lucas

Tim Buchalka
11-15-2008, 05:32 PM
Seems like we have a lot of 18 year old 'grey heads', myself included.

Been around the block a few times myself.

I have neglected this community in the past but am determined to meet as many people on this forum as I can...

Now if I can just fine another 12 hours in a day I will be set!

