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View Full Version : Looking for a JV Manager and/or Copywriter - Voice Over niche

Jude Dodd
05-16-2019, 01:49 PM
Hello everyone!

I and my partners at Alkain Studios LLC have launched our first interview product, "The Ultimate Celebrity Guide to Getting Started in Voice Over" and we have done much of the work ourselves. However, even though we have recruited some affiliates, we have yet to make any sales.

I am wondering if the sales letter we wrote is not strong enough (or possibly too short), or if there is someone out there who could help us get this product on track. We are very receptive and are willing to do what it takes in order to serve of customers to the best of our abilities.

The sales letter is located at https://alkainstudios.com/colloqx-voice-over/ and the JV page we created is also located at https://alkainstudios.com/colloqx-jv-page/

Please let me know if you are interested in helping us out, and thank you for your time in reading this!

-- Jude --