View Full Version : A very important question about JVs

09-11-2008, 04:48 PM
Hello Friends,

I have a very important question. Perhaps the most important question related to JVs...

How could we know that a JV in this community has a good mailing list and/or other marketing tactics? What if someone wants to give an ipod to every JV just to entice him to get on board and promote? How can we select JVs.

Person like me would love to give the opportunity to new JVs but seriously how can we know which JV could promote a product effectively and which of them are not as good..



Mike Merz
09-11-2008, 06:22 PM
You don't, Rahail ...

Which is why you should take the time to choose which JV relationships you'd like to pursue, as opposed to trying to grab every partner you can get your hands on.

It's quality over quantity ... all the way.

In your qualification process ... seek credibility. Ask them how they've done, sales wise, during past promotions. Ask for names ... and follow up. Ask for referrals ... and follow up. Search their name and past products in the major search engines ... are there Google ads taken out for their names and products? Are there many entries? Do they appear on archived JV Blogs in the Top 10, 25, etc.?

If you're not going to bother doing all that, you chance getting a lot of folks on board ... but only a handful may actually promote, which is why you have to weed through the tire kickers and fake it till you make it Marketers (that have not made it, obviously) promotion after promotion ... till you build a group of productive partners that are worth having JV relationships with ... this will not happen overnight, but is well worth it in the long run.



09-12-2008, 01:35 PM
Thanks a million Mike,

Sure. It's always good to go the long route to make sure the JVs are the best of the best..

Thanks for the info.. I appreciate it.


Debbie D
09-15-2008, 01:18 PM
Hi Rahail

1) I think that first off you answer their inquiry and ask them a few questions about what they have accomplished. Perhaps it's a newbie but is excited about your product and willing to do what-ever it takes. Would you say no to that person? It's your call.

Obviously you want to connect with partners that are complimentary to what you are offering.

2) Do a background search on the persons name. All kinds of stuff may surface such as their awesome blog or website....or contrary.

3) In terms of if they are any good at promoting..... Your copy plays the major role in terms of conversion if all else is a good fit and they give it some exposure.

4) In terms of how well they did in the past - ask them about their list: how big, is it active, what have you approached them with before, how often do you send a launch, where and how do they advertise etc. But, sometimes it's not always how big of a list as small lists can be full of "followers" and very active, while a large list even though large, gets dismal results.

5) In the end, sure, it will make a difference to you if the partner is a deadbeat or not. But really, in the game of life, is there ever a guarantee?

At the end of the day, you're building relationships long term. If they're not great today, maybe they'll be great tomorrow because you've helped guide them in an area or two that they didn't consider. If you don't see them take action on your recommendations that you know gets results, don't spend anymore time on them. If they have a big active list, it's complimentary and they take action, you'll build that relationship faster.

Sometimes this is actually work ;)


Jordan Sanders
09-22-2008, 04:57 PM
As far as quality over quantity I agree 110%. I'm a relative JV newbie, I've only done a couple...but the ones I have done have been awesome. My partners have gone above and beyond... and we've ended up helping and motivating each other way beyond our initial, supposedly one-time JV. I trust both of them completely and didn't use CB or paydotcom for our JV