View Full Version : Thank you page conversions

Matt Mullaney
02-27-2015, 03:05 AM

I'm new to this forum. I apologize if this question isn't for this forum, I hope it is.

I'm working on building my list, but I have terrible conversions on my thank you page.
Like zero haha. ;)

I giveaway a free report on the law of attraction and a guided meditation track. Converts pretty well.

I've tried a high gravity clickbank product in the law of attraction niche, numerology, multiple giveaways. I can't help but feel I am missing something.

I've built a list of over 2000 in the law of attraction/PD niche.

I just can't figure out what to do with the Thank you page to make it convert.
This has been a factor in slowing my list growth since $1 in $1+ out would make for free/profitable list building.

Any suggestions on how I can improve my Thank you page conversions?

Much appreciated,

Graham Barton
03-02-2015, 12:08 AM
The important thing is whether your list is responsive. Perhaps your offers are too expensive. I've had decent results where the offer was under $10 but zero on anything over that.

Remember when somebody first signs up they don't know you, so you have to build trust first.

Mialei Iske
03-20-2015, 08:20 PM
Hi, Matt,

My question would be "what does your 'thank you' page follow?" Your visitor lands on your thank you page because they have actually been somewhere else - right? Is it possible that your thank you page does not answer the question that remains after the previous page? Would it be possible to raise a question for your visitor that leads into the answer that is inside your free report?

Our creative titles do not always tell the reader what would be helpful inside. I had a similar issue with one of my 'ads' on my blog. I just was not giving enough information. I am hoping that my new approach is a little more enticing.

All the best to you!

Sage Lewis
03-24-2015, 09:41 AM
Just so I understand correctly...

They sign up for your list and then on the thank you page you suggest they buy the product?

If so, I probably wouldn't worry too much about that. As Graham says, take your time and build a relationship with these people.

Maybe invite them to a private Facebook Group you run. And every so often put a link to a product you think they'd like.

If they trust you (which takes time) they'll take your suggestions.

04-19-2015, 05:28 AM
Hi, here's the thing, as Graham Barton in this thread rightly says, these people don't know you and you need to put yourself in their position. Chances are your opt-ins will have opted into loads of offers just like yours many many times before, they are used to the process of getting something for free and then instantly being sold to, its a bit of a turn off! The people that have opted into your list have done so because they believe that they are getting something of value for free, once they have got what they came for its your job to build the relationship. Give your subscribers more value by giving even more away for free on your thank you page and also your follow up emails before you try to sell anything. Once you have gained a little trust, then you can give an opinion or recommendation on a product that you think they should buy.