View Full Version : Warrior New to JV - Advice 4 Me?

Tim Prince
11-08-2006, 02:26 AM
I'm new to JV and looking to make the right decisions early...
Any advice on where to go to find partners for this product?


Affiliate sales pay $10.00/month per referal.


Jeffrey Neil
11-08-2006, 05:33 AM
Well, here are my thoughts...

As your market is massage therapists, that is who I would approach. You will quickly discover that massage therapists know other massage therapists.

I know this, because my Fiance is one. You can buy lists of massage therapists from many sources and send them mailings, or better yet postcards. Set up a site for jv partners, and offer 50% (no they won't need more in that market). Drive traffic to that via postcards, and get them to partner with you.

Look in your local area and put up flyers around large practices, they are in the phone book.

Key thing to remember here, is know your market. Massage therapists tend to be very empatheic type people in general and somewhat emotional, from my experience. You can use this to your advantage, present to them on the jv site how they will be able to assist fellow massage therapists from many of the difficulties they face. You want to present it more with more than just cash, but an emotional offer as well, it will elicit the best response.

Offer them second tier commisions to refer other therapists to promote as well. When you first start, you aren't going to have millions of partners, so keep in touch with them definately via email, but maybe even by phone. See what they need to promote your product.

So to clarify, start by building some lists of therapists, probably starting in your local market, then spreading as you can afford. Do small tests before massive mailing to fine tune your copy. BTW Alex Mandossian (super huge marketer if you don't know who he is) sells a great course online on marketing with postcards, you should go check that out

This is a bit different than what you see in the im market, but you could take this approach and slowly build a successful business.