View Full Version : SubIDs in Delta Squadron affiliate links?

05-16-2009, 11:52 AM
Hi there,

Does anyone know how to add subids in the affiliate links of delta squadron?

In the affiliate area there's a section called subid reports but there is no information on how we add our subids to the afflink.

Vita Vee

Mike MerzJr
05-16-2009, 01:26 PM
Hey There Vita,

To add subids to your affiliate links for Delta Squadron, you can add &s=[subid] to the end of your affiliate link. I'll hunt around a little bit more in there, but i believe he describes it in the affiliate orientation manual.

I typically shy away from directly linking to any launch i am working on in my other posts as to not give unfair promotion within this board. As this is for help and is strictly not a promotion, i will include one here to illustrate the link.

Within the system Mike is using, we add l= to identify landing pages. As you may see, the different links to his videos have l=2, l=3, etc.

http://www.deltasquadron.com/a/go?a=41955&s=mySubId - Goes directly to the default landing page
http://www.deltasquadron.com/a/go?a=41955&l=2&s=mySubId - goes to one of his videos.

I hope this help you out.

- Mike

05-16-2009, 02:58 PM
Hi Mike,

Thanks a lot for your help.

Greatly appreciated.

Vita Vee