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PrimeHost - Unlimited Web Hosting - Affiliate Information

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PrimeHost - Unlimited Web Hosting information

Sale Price





Firas Alameh - Rahul Gupta

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Product Title Launched Sold Conv EPC Avg Price Comm Refund
PrimeHost - Unlimited Web Hosting 10/01/2021 100+ 0.31% $0.14 $45.83 50% 9.35%
PrimeHost - Unlimited Web Hosting One time 10/03/2021 1,000+ 3.71% $1.86 $50.06 50% 9.78%
PrimeHost - Bundle 10/03/2021 250+ 5.11% $13.98 $273.82 50% 9.66%
PrimeHost Premium 10/03/2021 250+ 35.57% $23.83 $67.00 50% 12.67%
PrimeHost Website Builder 10/03/2021 200+ 32.41% $15.23 $47.00 50% 10.76%
PrimeHost CloudDrive 10/03/2021 100+ 23.87% $15.99 $67.00 50% 14.05%
PrimeHost SEO Unlimited 10/03/2021 100+ 23.44% $11.02 $47.00 50% 12.84%
PrimeHost WEB Conversion 10/03/2021 50+ 18.04% $8.48 $47.00 50% 17.65%
PrimeHost Agency 10/03/2021 50+ 10.94% $21.55 $197.00 50% 10.71%
PrimeHost Reseller 10/03/2021 25+ 8.85% $8.58 $97.00 50% 12.50%